Director Serve HTTP

Director的结构 #

type director struct {
	name               string
	goRestfulContainer *restful.Container
	nonGoRestfulMux    *mux.PathRecorderMux


Director的生成部分 #

func NewAPIServerHandler(name string, s runtime.NegotiatedSerializer, handlerChainBuilder HandlerChainBuilderFn, notFoundHandler http.Handler) *APIServerHandler {
	nonGoRestfulMux := mux.NewPathRecorderMux(name)
	if notFoundHandler != nil {

	gorestfulContainer := restful.NewContainer()
	gorestfulContainer.ServeMux = http.NewServeMux()
	gorestfulContainer.Router(restful.CurlyRouter{}) // e.g. for proxy/{kind}/{name}/{*}
	gorestfulContainer.RecoverHandler(func(panicReason interface{}, httpWriter http.ResponseWriter) {
		logStackOnRecover(s, panicReason, httpWriter)
	gorestfulContainer.ServiceErrorHandler(func(serviceErr restful.ServiceError, request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response) {
		serviceErrorHandler(s, serviceErr, request, response)

	director := director{
		name:               name,
		goRestfulContainer: gorestfulContainer,
		nonGoRestfulMux:    nonGoRestfulMux,

	return &APIServerHandler{
		FullHandlerChain:   handlerChainBuilder(director),
		GoRestfulContainer: gorestfulContainer,
		NonGoRestfulMux:    nonGoRestfulMux,
		Director:           director,
	director := director{
		name:               name,
		goRestfulContainer: gorestfulContainer,
		nonGoRestfulMux:    nonGoRestfulMux,



Dierctor的ServeHTTP #

func (d director) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	path := req.URL.Path

	// check to see if our webservices want to claim this path
	for _, ws := range d.goRestfulContainer.RegisteredWebServices() {
		switch {
		case ws.RootPath() == "/apis":
			// if we are exactly /apis or /apis/, then we need special handling in loop.
			// normally these are passed to the nonGoRestfulMux, but if discovery is enabled, it will go directly.
			// We can't rely on a prefix match since /apis matches everything (see the big comment on Director above)
			if path == "/apis" || path == "/apis/" {
				klog.V(5).Infof("%v: %v %q satisfied by gorestful with webservice %v",, req.Method, path, ws.RootPath())
				// don't use servemux here because gorestful servemuxes get messed up when removing webservices
				// TODO fix gorestful, remove TPRs, or stop using gorestful
				d.goRestfulContainer.Dispatch(w, req)

		case strings.HasPrefix(path, ws.RootPath()):
			// ensure an exact match or a path boundary match
			if len(path) == len(ws.RootPath()) || path[len(ws.RootPath())] == '/' {
				klog.V(5).Infof("%v: %v %q satisfied by gorestful with webservice %v",, req.Method, path, ws.RootPath())
				// don't use servemux here because gorestful servemuxes get messed up when removing webservices
				// TODO fix gorestful, remove TPRs, or stop using gorestful
				d.goRestfulContainer.Dispatch(w, req)

	// if we didn't find a match, then we just skip gorestful altogether
	klog.V(5).Infof("%v: %v %q satisfied by nonGoRestful",, req.Method, path)
	d.nonGoRestfulMux.ServeHTTP(w, req)

