Interface #
manager #
package interfaces
type AutoEventManager interface {
// StartAutoEvents starts all the AutoEvents of the device service
// 这个函数用来启动device service的所有自动事件
// RestartForDevice restarts all the AutoEvents of the specific device
// 这个函数用来重启指定设备的所有的自动事件
RestartForDevice(name string)
// StopForDevice stops all the AutoEvents of the specific device
// 这个函数用来停止指定设备的所有的自动事件
StopForDevice(name string)
protocoldriver #
// ProtocolDriver is a low-level device-specific interface used by
// other components of an EdgeX Device Service to interact with
// a specific class of devices.
// ProtocolDriver是EdgeX设备服务的其他组件使用的特定于设备的低级接口,用于与特定类别的设备交互
type ProtocolDriver interface {
// Initialize performs protocol-specific initialization for the device service.
// The given *AsyncValues channel can be used to push asynchronous events and
// readings to Core Data. The given []DiscoveredDevice channel is used to send
// discovered devices that will be filtered and added to Core Metadata asynchronously.
// Initialize为设备服务执行特定于协议的初始化。给定的*AsyncValues通道可用于将异步事件和读数推送到核心数据。给定的[]DiscoveredDevice通道用于发送发现的设备,这些设备将被异步筛选并添加到核心元数据中。
Initialize(sdk DeviceServiceSDK) error
// HandleReadCommands passes a slice of CommandRequest struct each representing
// a ResourceOperation for a specific device resource.
// HandleReadCommands传递一个CommandRequest结构的切片,
// 每个切片代表一个特定设备资源的ResourceOperation。
HandleReadCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, reqs []sdkModels.CommandRequest) ([]*sdkModels.CommandValue, error)
// HandleWriteCommands passes a slice of CommandRequest struct each representing
// a ResourceOperation for a specific device resource.
// Since the commands are actuation commands, params provide parameters for the individual
// command.
// HandleWriteCommands传递一个CommandRequest结构的切片,
// 每个切片代表一个特定设备资源的ResourceOperation。
// 由于这些命令是执行命令,由于这些命令是执行命令,params提供了各个命令的参数。
HandleWriteCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, reqs []sdkModels.CommandRequest, params []*sdkModels.CommandValue) error
// Stop instructs the protocol-specific DS code to shutdown gracefully, or
// if the force parameter is 'true', immediately. The driver is responsible
// for closing any in-use channels, including the channel used to send async
// readings (if supported).
// 停止指示特定协议的DS代码优雅地关闭,或者如果强制参数为 "true",则立即关闭。
// 驱动程序负责关闭任何正在使用的通道,包括用于发送异步读数的通道(如果支持)。
Stop(force bool) error
// AddDevice is a callback function that is invoked
// when a new Device associated with this Device Service is added
// AddDevice是一个回调函数。当一个新的与该设备服务相关的设备被添加时被调用。
AddDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, adminState models.AdminState) error
// UpdateDevice is a callback function that is invoked
// when a Device associated with this Device Service is updated
// UpdateDevice是一个回调函数。当一个新的与该设备服务相关的设备被更新时被调用。
UpdateDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties, adminState models.AdminState) error
// RemoveDevice is a callback function that is invoked
// when a Device associated with this Device Service is removed
// RemoveDevice是一个回调函数。当一个新的与该设备服务相关的设备被删除时被调用。
RemoveDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties) error
// Discover triggers protocol specific device discovery, asynchronously
// writes the results to the channel which is passed to the implementation
// via ProtocolDriver.Initialize(). The results may be added to the device service
// based on a set of acceptance criteria (i.e. Provision Watchers).
// Discover()触发特定协议的设备发现,异步进行将结果写入通道,
// 通过ProtocolDriver.Initialize()传递给实现。
// 这些结果可以根据一组接受标准(即供应观察者)添加到设备服务中。
Discover() error
// ValidateDevice triggers device's protocol properties validation, returns error
// if validation failed and the incoming device will not be added into EdgeX.
// ValidateDevice 触发设备的协议属性验证,如果验证失败返回错误。
// 如果验证失败,传入的设备将不会被添加到EdgeX中。
ValidateDevice(device models.Device) error
service #
// DeviceServiceSDK defines the interface for an EdgeX Device Service SDK
// DeviceServiceSDK为EdgeX 设备服务SDK 提供了一个接口
type DeviceServiceSDK interface {
// AddDevice adds a new Device to the Device Service and Core Metadata
// Returns new Device id or non-nil error.
// AddDevice给Device Service和Core Metadata增加一个设备
// 返回一个新的设备或non-nil错误
AddDevice(device models.Device) (string, error)
// Devices return all managed Devices from cache
// Devices从缓存中返回所有被管理的设备
Devices() []models.Device
// GetDeviceByName returns the Device by its name if it exists in the cache, or returns an error.
// GetDeviceByName 通过设备名称返回设备(如果他在cache中的话,或者返回一个错误)
GetDeviceByName(name string) (models.Device, error)
// UpdateDevice updates the Device in the cache and ensures that the
// copy in Core Metadata is also updated.
// UpdateDevice 更新在cache中的Device并且确保在Core Metadata中的副本也被更新了
UpdateDevice(device models.Device) error
// RemoveDeviceByName removes the specified Device by name from the cache and ensures that the
// instance in Core Metadata is also removed.
// RemoveDeviceByName通过名字从cache中移除特定的设备,并且确保在Core Metadta中的实例也被移除了。
RemoveDeviceByName(name string) error
// AddDeviceProfile adds a new DeviceProfile to the Device Service and Core Metadata
// Returns new DeviceProfile id or non-nil error.
// AddDeviceProfile给Device Service和Core Metadata增加一个Device Service。返回新的DeviceProfile id或者非空错误
AddDeviceProfile(profile models.DeviceProfile) (string, error)
// DeviceProfiles return all managed DeviceProfiles from cache
// DeviceProfiles返回所有cache管理的DeviceProfiles
DeviceProfiles() []models.DeviceProfile
// GetProfileByName returns the Profile by its name if it exists in the cache, or returns an error.
// GetProfileByName返回通过名称找到的Profile,如果在cache中存在的话,或者返回一个错误
GetProfileByName(name string) (models.DeviceProfile, error)
// UpdateDeviceProfile updates the DeviceProfile in the cache and ensures that the
// copy in Core Metadata is also updated.
// UpdateDeviceProfile更新在cache中的DeviceProfile并且确保在Core Metadata中的副本也被更新
UpdateDeviceProfile(profile models.DeviceProfile) error
// RemoveDeviceProfileByName removes the specified DeviceProfile by name from the cache and ensures that the
// instance in Core Metadata is also removed.
// RemoveDeviceProfileByName根据名称从cache中移除特定的DeviceProfile,并且确保在Core Metadata中的实例也被移除了
RemoveDeviceProfileByName(name string) error
// AddProvisionWatcher adds a new Watcher to the cache and Core Metadata
// Returns new Watcher id or non-nil error.
// AddProvisionWatcher给cache和Core Metadata增加了一个新的Watcher。
// 返回一个新的Watcher id或者非空错误。
AddProvisionWatcher(watcher models.ProvisionWatcher) (string, error)
// ProvisionWatchers return all managed Watchers from cache
// ProvisionWatchers返回所有由cache管理的Watchers
ProvisionWatchers() []models.ProvisionWatcher
// GetProvisionWatcherByName returns the Watcher by its name if it exists in the cache, or returns an error.
// GetProvisionWatcherByName通过名字返回Watcher,如果他存在在cache,否则返回一个错误。
GetProvisionWatcherByName(name string) (models.ProvisionWatcher, error)
// UpdateProvisionWatcher updates the Watcher in the cache and ensures that the
// copy in Core Metadata is also updated.
// UpdateProvisionWatcher更新在cache中的Watcher并且确保在Core Metadata中的副本也被更新了。
UpdateProvisionWatcher(watcher models.ProvisionWatcher) error
// RemoveProvisionWatcher removes the specified Watcher by name from the cache and ensures that the
// instance in Core Metadata is also removed.
// RemoveProvisionWatcher通过名称在cache移除特定的Watcher,并且确保在Core Metadata中的实例也被移除了。
RemoveProvisionWatcher(name string) error
// DeviceResource retrieves the specific DeviceResource instance from cache according to
// the Device name and Device Resource name
// DeviceResource从cache中根据Device name和Device Resource name获取特定的DeviceResource实例
DeviceResource(deviceName string, deviceResource string) (models.DeviceResource, bool)
// DeviceCommand retrieves the specific DeviceCommand instance from cache according to
// the Device name and Command name
// DeviceCommand从cache中根据Device name和DeviceCommand name获取特定的DeviceCommand实例
DeviceCommand(deviceName string, commandName string) (models.DeviceCommand, bool)
// AddDeviceAutoEvent adds a new AutoEvent to the Device with given name
// AddDeviceAutoEvent给指定名称的设备添加一个新的AutoEvent
AddDeviceAutoEvent(deviceName string, event models.AutoEvent) error
// RemoveDeviceAutoEvent removes an AutoEvent from the Device with given name
// RemoveDeviceAutoEvent给指定名称的设备移除一个AutoEvent
RemoveDeviceAutoEvent(deviceName string, event models.AutoEvent) error
// SetDeviceOpState sets the operating state of device
// SetDeviceOpState 设置设备的operating state
SetDeviceOpState(name string, state models.OperatingState) error
// UpdateDeviceOperatingState updates the Device's OperatingState with given name
// in Core Metadata and device service cache.
// UpdateDeviceOperatingState 更新在Core Metadata和cache中给定设备名称的设备的OperatingState
UpdateDeviceOperatingState(deviceName string, state string) error
// Name returns the name of this Device Service
// 返回这个Device Service的名称
Name() string
// Version returns the version number of this Device Service
// 返回这个Device Service的版本号
Version() string
// AsyncReadingsEnabled returns a bool value to indicate whether the asynchronous reading is enabled.
// AsyncReadingsEnabled 返回一个布尔值表明是否异步读取是开启的
AsyncReadingsEnabled() bool
// AsyncValuesChannel returns a channel to allow developer send asynchronous reading back to SDK.
// AsyncValuesChannel 返回一个通道允许开发者发送异步读取到SDK中
AsyncValuesChannel() chan *sdkModels.AsyncValues
// DiscoveredDeviceChannel returns a channel to allow developer send discovered devices back to SDK.
// DiscoverrdDeviceChannel 返回一个通道用来允许开发者发送发现的设备给SDK
DiscoveredDeviceChannel() chan []sdkModels.DiscoveredDevice
// DeviceDiscoveryEnabled returns a bool value to indicate whether device discovery is enabled.
// DeviceDiscoveryEnabled 返回一个布尔值来表明是否设备发现是允许的
DeviceDiscoveryEnabled() bool
// DriverConfigs retrieves the driver specific configuration
// DriverConfigs 或者驱动特定的配置
DriverConfigs() map[string]string
// AddRoute allows leveraging the existing internal web server to add routes specific to Device Service.
// AddRoute允许利用现有的内部网络服务器来添加特定于设备服务的路由。
AddRoute(route string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), methods ...string) error
// LoadCustomConfig uses the Config Processor from go-mod-bootstrap to attempt to load service's
// custom configuration. It uses the same command line flags to process the custom config in the same manner
// as the standard configuration.
// LoadCustomConfig使用go-mod-bootstrap的配置处理器来尝试加载服务的自定义配置。它使用相同的命令行标志,以与标准配置相同的方式处理自定义配置。
LoadCustomConfig(customConfig UpdatableConfig, sectionName string) error
// ListenForCustomConfigChanges uses the Config Processor from go-mod-bootstrap to attempt to listen for
// changes to the specified custom configuration section. LoadCustomConfig must be called previously so that
// the instance of sdkService.configProcessor has already been set.
// ListenForCustomConfigChanges使用go-mod-bootstrap的配置处理器,试图监听指定的自定义配置部分的变化。必须事先调用LoadCustomConfig,以便 sdkService.configProcessor的实例已经被设置。
ListenForCustomConfigChanges(configToWatch interface{}, sectionName string, changedCallback func(interface{})) error
// LoggingClient returns the logger.LoggingClient.
// LoggingClient 返回logger.LoggingClient
LoggingClient() logger.LoggingClient
// SecretProvider returns the interfaces.SecretProvider.
// SecretProvider 返回interfaces.SecretProvider
SecretProvider() interfaces.SecretProvider
// MetricsManager returns the Metrics Manager used to register counter, gauge, gaugeFloat64 or timer metric types from
// 指标管理器返回用于从 注册计数器、仪表、仪表、仪表 Float64 或计时器指标类型的指标管理器
MetricsManager() interfaces.MetricsManager
Models #
asyncvalues #
// AsyncValues is the struct for sending Device readings asynchronously via ProtocolDrivers
// AsyncValues 是用来通过ProtocolDrivers异步发送设备读请求的结构体
type AsyncValues struct {
DeviceName string
SourceName string
CommandValues []*CommandValue
commandrequest #
// CommandRequest is the struct for requesting a command to ProtocolDrivers
// CommandRequest 是用于向ProtocolDrivers请求命令的结构
type CommandRequest struct {
// DeviceResourceName is the name of Device Resource for this command
// DeviceResourceName 是这条命令请求的设备资源名称
DeviceResourceName string
// Attributes is a key/value map to represent the attributes of the Device Resource
// Attributes 是一个key/value的映射来表示设备资源的属性
Attributes map[string]interface{}
// Type is the data type of the Device Resource
// Type是设备资源的数据类型
Type string
commandvalue #
// CommandValue is the struct to represent the reading value of a Get command coming
// from ProtocolDrivers or the parameter of a Put command sending to ProtocolDrivers.
// CommandValue是表示即将发布的 Get 命令的读取值的结构从ProtocolDrivers或
// 发送到ProtocolDrivers的 Put 命令的参数。
type CommandValue struct {
// DeviceResourceName is the name of Device Resource for this command
// DeviceResourceName 是发给这个命令的Device Resource的名称
DeviceResourceName string
// Type indicates what type of value was returned from the ProtocolDriver instance in
// response to HandleCommand being called to handle a single ResourceOperation.
// Type 表明了指示从 ProtocolDriver 实例返回的值类型,以响应为处理单个资源操作而调用的 HandleCommand。
Type string
// Value holds value returned by a ProtocolDriver instance.
// The value can be converted to its native type by referring to ValueType.
// Value 保存由 ProtocolDriver 实例返回的值。
// 可以通过引用 ValueType 将该值转换为其原本类型。
Value interface{}
// Origin is an int64 value which indicates the time the reading
// contained in the CommandValue was read by the ProtocolDriver
// instance.
// Origin是一个 int64 值,表示读数的时间包含在命令值中,由ProtocolDriver实例读取。
Origin int64
// Tags allows device service to add custom information to the Event in order to
// help identify its origin or otherwise label it before it is send to north side.
// Tags允许设备服务向事件添加自定义信息,以便在发送到北侧之前,帮助识别其来源或以其他方式标记它。
Tags map[string]string
// NewCommandValue create a CommandValue according to the valueType supplied.
func NewCommandValue(deviceResourceName string, valueType string, value interface{}) (*CommandValue, error) {
err := validate(valueType, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.NewCommonEdgeX(errors.KindServerError, "failed to create CommandValue", err)
return &CommandValue{
DeviceResourceName: deviceResourceName,
Type: valueType,
Value: value,
Tags: make(map[string]string)}, nil
// NewCommandValueWithOrigin wraps NewCommandValue, create a CommandValue and add the Origin field.
func NewCommandValueWithOrigin(deviceResourceName string, valueType string, value interface{}, origin int64) (*CommandValue, error) {
cv, err := NewCommandValue(deviceResourceName, valueType, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.NewCommonEdgeXWrapper(err)
cv.Origin = origin
return cv, nil
// 下面是一些有关type的操作了。
discovereddevice #
// DiscoveredDevice defines the required information for a found device.
// DiscoveredDevice定义了找到一个设备的必要信息
type DiscoveredDevice struct {
Name string
Protocols map[string]models.ProtocolProperties
Description string
Labels []string
Service #
const EnvInstanceName = "EDGEX_INSTANCE_NAME"
type deviceService struct {
// 这个是service名称
serviceKey string
// 这个用来写日志
lc logger.LoggingClient
// 这个是驱动接口,主要实现与设备发命令、对设备的增删改操作
driver interfaces.ProtocolDriver
// 这个是自动事件驱动,主要实现给设备增加、删除、停止自动事件
autoEventManager interfaces.AutoEventManager
// 这个是rest请求的controller
controller *restController.RestController
// 这个是异步信号,发送的是一个通道,里面的值类型是AsyncValues
asyncCh chan *sdkModels.AsyncValues
// 这个是设备控制信号,发送的是一个通道切片,里面的值类型是DiscoveredDevice
deviceCh chan []sdkModels.DiscoveredDevice
// 使用默认标志
flags *flags.Default
// 这里放DeviceService实体
deviceServiceModel *models.DeviceService
// device service 的配置
config *config.ConfigurationStruct
// 这个是配置的处理
configProcessor *bootstrapConfig.Processor
wg *sync.WaitGroup
ctx context.Context
dic *di.Container
func NewDeviceService(serviceKey string, serviceVersion string, driver interfaces.ProtocolDriver) (*deviceService, error) {
var service deviceService
// 校验serviceKey的内容,如果为空,就报错
if serviceKey == "" {
return nil, errors.New("please specify device service name")
// 配置serviceKey
service.serviceKey = serviceKey
// 校验serviceVersion的内容,如果为空,就报错
if serviceVersion == "" {
return nil, errors.New("please specify device service version")
// 配置ServiceVersion
sdkCommon.ServiceVersion = serviceVersion
// 加入驱动
service.driver = driver
service.config = &config.ConfigurationStruct{}
// 返回这个service
return &service, nil
func (s *deviceService) Run() error {
var instanceName string
startupTimer := startup.NewStartUpTimer(s.serviceKey)
additionalUsage :=
" -i, --instance Provides a service name suffix which allows unique instance to be created\n" +
" If the option is provided, service name will be replaced with \"<name>_<instance>\"\n"
s.flags = flags.NewWithUsage(additionalUsage)
s.flags.FlagSet.StringVar(&instanceName, "instance", "", "")
s.flags.FlagSet.StringVar(&instanceName, "i", "", "")
// 加载配置,设置service名称 serviceKey + instanceName
// 新建配置,这个配置后面可能会被反序列化,可能会从文件里读出来
s.config = &config.ConfigurationStruct{}
// 新建device service
s.deviceServiceModel = &models.DeviceService{Name: s.serviceKey}
// 这里是在干嘛?填充dic?
s.dic = di.NewContainer(di.ServiceConstructorMap{
container.ConfigurationName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return s.config
container.DeviceServiceName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return s.deviceServiceModel
container.ProtocolDriverName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return s.driver
// 新建一个http(restful)请求的router
router := mux.NewRouter()
// 新建一个httpServer
httpServer := handlers.NewHttpServer(router, true)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
wg, deferred, successful := bootstrap.RunAndReturnWaitGroup(
// 上面都是些配置信息,其实不重要,重要的是下面的这些handler
// 一个一个来看这些handler
handlers.NewServiceMetrics(s.serviceKey).BootstrapHandler, // Must be after Messaging
NewBootstrap(s, router).BootstrapHandler,
handlers.NewStartMessage(s.serviceKey, sdkCommon.ServiceVersion).BootstrapHandler,
defer func() {
if !successful {
return errors.New("bootstrapping failed")
// TODO: call ProtocolDriver.Start() proposed in issue#1339
return nil
// Name returns the name of this Device Service
func (s *deviceService) Name() string {
// 返回这个Device Service的名称
return s.serviceKey
// Version returns the version number of this Device Service
func (s *deviceService) Version() string {
// 返回这个Device Service的版本号
return sdkCommon.ServiceVersion
// SecretProvider returns the SecretProvider
func (s *deviceService) SecretProvider() bootstrapInterfaces.SecretProvider {
return bootstrapContainer.SecretProviderFrom(s.dic.Get)
// MetricsManager returns the Metrics Manager used to register counter, gauge, gaugeFloat64 or timer metric types from
func (s *deviceService) MetricsManager() bootstrapInterfaces.MetricsManager {
return bootstrapContainer.MetricsManagerFrom(s.dic.Get)
// LoggingClient returns the logger.LoggingClient
func (s *deviceService) LoggingClient() logger.LoggingClient {
// AsyncReadings returns a bool value to indicate whether the asynchronous reading is enabled.
func (s *deviceService) AsyncReadingsEnabled() bool {
return s.config.Device.EnableAsyncReadings
func (s *deviceService) AsyncValuesChannel() chan *sdkModels.AsyncValues {
return s.asyncCh
// DeviceDiscovery returns a bool value to indicate whether the device discovery is enabled.
func (s *deviceService) DeviceDiscoveryEnabled() bool {
return s.config.Device.Discovery.Enabled
func (s *deviceService) DiscoveredDeviceChannel() chan []sdkModels.DiscoveredDevice {
return s.deviceCh
// AddRoute allows leveraging the existing internal web server to add routes specific to Device Service.
func (s *deviceService) AddRoute(route string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), methods ...string) error {
return s.controller.AddRoute(route, handler, methods...)
// LoadCustomConfig uses the Config Processor from go-mod-bootstrap to attempt to load service's
// custom configuration. It uses the same command line flags to process the custom config in the same manner
// as the standard configuration.
func (s *deviceService) LoadCustomConfig(customConfig interfaces.UpdatableConfig, sectionName string) error {
if s.configProcessor == nil {
s.configProcessor = bootstrapConfig.NewProcessorForCustomConfig(s.flags, s.ctx, s.wg, s.dic)
if err := s.configProcessor.LoadCustomConfigSection(customConfig, sectionName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ListenForCustomConfigChanges uses the Config Processor from go-mod-bootstrap to attempt to listen for
// changes to the specified custom configuration section. LoadCustomConfig must be called previously so that
// the instance of svc.configProcessor has already been set.
func (s *deviceService) ListenForCustomConfigChanges(
configToWatch interface{},
sectionName string,
changedCallback func(interface{})) error {
if s.configProcessor == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"custom configuration must be loaded before '%s' section can be watched for changes",
s.configProcessor.ListenForCustomConfigChanges(configToWatch, sectionName, changedCallback)
return nil
// selfRegister register device service itself onto metadata.
func (s *deviceService) selfRegister() edgexErr.EdgeX {
localDeviceService := models.DeviceService{
Name: s.serviceKey,
Labels: s.config.Device.Labels,
BaseAddress: bootstrapTypes.DefaultHttpProtocol + "://" + s.config.Service.Host + ":" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(s.config.Service.Port), 10),
AdminState: models.Unlocked,
*s.deviceServiceModel = localDeviceService
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), common.CorrelationHeader, uuid.NewString()) // nolint:staticcheck
dsc := bootstrapContainer.DeviceServiceClientFrom(s.dic.Get)"trying to find device service %s", localDeviceService.Name)
res, err := dsc.DeviceServiceByName(ctx, localDeviceService.Name)
if err != nil {
if edgexErr.Kind(err) == edgexErr.KindEntityDoesNotExist {"device service %s doesn't exist, creating a new one", localDeviceService.Name)
req := requests.NewAddDeviceServiceRequest(dtos.FromDeviceServiceModelToDTO(localDeviceService))
idRes, err := dsc.Add(ctx, []requests.AddDeviceServiceRequest{req})
if err != nil {"failed to add device service %s: %v", localDeviceService.Name, err)
return err
s.deviceServiceModel.Id = idRes[0].Id"new device service id: %s", localDeviceService.Id)
} else {"failed to find device service %s", localDeviceService.Name)
return err
} else {"device service %s exists, updating it", s.serviceKey)
req := requests.NewUpdateDeviceServiceRequest(dtos.FromDeviceServiceModelToUpdateDTO(localDeviceService))
req.Service.Id = nil
_, err = dsc.Update(ctx, []requests.UpdateDeviceServiceRequest{req})
if err != nil {"failed to update device service %s with local config: %v", localDeviceService.Name, err)
oldDeviceService := dtos.ToDeviceServiceModel(res.Service)
*s.deviceServiceModel = oldDeviceService
return nil
// DriverConfigs retrieves the driver specific configuration
func (s *deviceService) DriverConfigs() map[string]string {
return s.config.Driver
// Stop shuts down the Service
func (s *deviceService) Stop(force bool) {
// 强行停止这个service
err := s.driver.Stop(force)
if err != nil {
func (s *deviceService) setServiceName(instanceName string) {
envValue := os.Getenv(EnvInstanceName)
// 如果有环境名称,那么就加环境名称,否则直接发instanceName
if len(envValue) > 0 {
instanceName = envValue
if len(instanceName) > 0 {
s.serviceKey = s.serviceKey + "_" + instanceName
httpServer.BootstrapHandler #
listenAndServe,主要是注册TimeoutHandler、RequestLimitMiddleware、ProcessCORS handlers,这些都是比较通用的handler。
// BootstrapHandler fulfills the BootstrapHandler contract. It creates two go routines -- one that executes ListenAndServe()
// and another that waits on closure of a context's done channel before calling Shutdown() to cleanly shut down the
// http server.
// BootstrapHandler 履行 BootstrapHandler 合约。它创建了两个go的协程,一个用来执行ListenAndServe()另一个等待上下文的 done 通道关闭,然后调用 Shutdown() 以干净地关闭HTTP 服务器。
func (b *HttpServer) BootstrapHandler(
ctx context.Context,
wg *sync.WaitGroup,
_ startup.Timer,
dic *di.Container) bool {
lc := container.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 这里将isRunning设置为true
if !b.doListenAndServe {
lc.Info("Web server intentionally NOT started.")
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
b.isRunning = true
b.isRunning = false
return true
// 获取bootstrapConfig
bootstrapConfig := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get).GetBootstrap()
// this allows env override to explicitly set the value used
// for ListenAndServe as needed for different deployments
// 这允许 env 覆盖显式设置使用的值,对于不同部署的需要,用于ListenAndServe
port := strconv.Itoa(bootstrapConfig.Service.Port)
addr := bootstrapConfig.Service.ServerBindAddr + ":" + port
// for backwards compatibility, the Host value is the default value if
// the ServerBindAddr value is not specified
// 为了向后兼容,如果未指定 ServerBindAddr 值,则主机值为默认值
if bootstrapConfig.Service.ServerBindAddr == "" {
addr = bootstrapConfig.Service.Host + ":" + port
// timeout是配置中的请求超时时间
timeout, err := time.ParseDuration(bootstrapConfig.Service.RequestTimeout)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("unable to parse RequestTimeout value of %s to a duration: %v", bootstrapConfig.Service.RequestTimeout, err)
return false
// 设置超时handler
b.router.Use(func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.TimeoutHandler(next, timeout, "HTTP request timeout")
// 设置最大请求大小handler
b.router.Use(RequestLimitMiddleware(bootstrapConfig.Service.MaxRequestSize, lc))
// 设置CORS handler
// handle the CORS preflight request
// 处理CORS提前请求
b.router.Methods(http.MethodOptions).MatcherFunc(func(r *http.Request, rm *mux.RouteMatch) bool {
return r.Header.Get(AccessControlRequestMethod) != ""
// 配置server地址
server := &http.Server{
Addr: addr,
Handler: b.router,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 5 * time.Second, // G112: A configured ReadHeaderTimeout in the http.Server averts a potential Slowloris Attack
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
_ = server.Shutdown(context.Background())
lc.Info("Web server shut down")
lc.Info("Web server starting (" + addr + ")")
// 执行ListenAndServer
go func() {
defer func() {
b.isRunning = false
b.isRunning = true
err := server.ListenAndServe()
// "Server closed" error occurs when Shutdown above is called in the Done processing, so it can be ignored
if err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
// Other errors occur during bootstrapping, like port bind fails, are considered fatal
lc.Errorf("Web server failed: %v", err)
// Allow any long-running go functions that may have started to stop before exiting
cancel := container.CancelFuncFrom(dic.Get)
// Wait for all long-running go functions to stop before exiting.
wg.Done() // Must do this to account for this go func's wg.Add above otherwise wait will block indefinitely
} else {
lc.Info("Web server stopped")
return true
messageBusBootstrapHandler #
func messageBusBootstrapHandler(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, startupTimer startup.Timer, dic *di.Container) bool {
// 这里是在构建messageBus客户端
if !handlers.MessagingBootstrapHandler(ctx, wg, startupTimer, dic) {
return false
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 这里进行订阅,异步处理command请求
err := messaging.SubscribeCommands(ctx, dic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to subscribe internal command request: %v", err)
return false
err = messaging.MetadataSystemEventsCallback(ctx, dic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to subscribe Metadata system events: %v", err)
return false
err = messaging.SubscribeDeviceValidation(ctx, dic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to subscribe device validation request: %v", err)
return false
return true
MessagingBootstrapHandler #
// MessagingBootstrapHandler fulfills the BootstrapHandler contract. If creates and initializes the Messaging client
// and adds it to the DIC
// MessagingBootstrapHandler 履行 BootstrapHandler 合约。
// 如果创建并初始化消息传递客户端并将其添加到 DIC
func MessagingBootstrapHandler(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, startupTimer startup.Timer, dic *di.Container) bool {
lc := container.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 来获取整个的配置信息
configuration := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get)
messageBus := configuration.GetBootstrap().MessageBus
// 如果messageBus没有启用
if messageBus.Disabled {
// 打印信息后,返回true
lc.Info("MessageBus is disabled in configuration, skipping setup.")
return true
// 如果messageBus没有填写Host的话
if len(messageBus.Host) == 0 {
lc.Error("MessageBus configuration not set or missing from service's GetBootstrap() implementation")
// 这里return false?
return false
// Make sure the MessageBus password is not leaked into the Service Config that can be retrieved via the /config endpoint
// 确保 MessageBus 密码不会泄漏到可通过 /config 终结点检索的服务配置中
messageBusInfo := deepCopy(messageBus)
if len(messageBusInfo.AuthMode) > 0 &&
!strings.EqualFold(strings.TrimSpace(messageBusInfo.AuthMode), boostrapMessaging.AuthModeNone) {
// 获取messageBus的配置?
if err := boostrapMessaging.SetOptionsAuthData(&messageBusInfo, lc, dic); err != nil {
lc.Errorf("setting the MessageBus auth options failed: %v", err)
return false
// 这里就是在配置messageBus的信息
msgClient, err := messaging.NewMessageClient(
Broker: types.HostInfo{
Host: messageBusInfo.Host,
Port: messageBusInfo.Port,
Protocol: messageBusInfo.Protocol,
Type: messageBusInfo.Type,
Optional: messageBusInfo.Optional,
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to create MessageClient: %v", err)
return false
// HasNotElapsed 返回构造期间指定的持续时间是否已过
for startupTimer.HasNotElapsed() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false
err = msgClient.Connect()
if err != nil {
lc.Warnf("Unable to connect MessageBus: %s", err.Error())
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// 结束了的话
if msgClient != nil {
_ = msgClient.Disconnect()
lc.Infof("Disconnected from MessageBus")
// 更新MessageClient??
container.MessagingClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return msgClient
// 链接到这个MessageBus
"Connected to %s Message Bus @ %s://%s:%d with AuthMode='%s'",
return true
lc.Error("Connecting to MessageBus time out")
return false
SubscribeCommands #
func SubscribeCommands(ctx context.Context, dic *di.Container) errors.EdgeX {
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 从Container中获取messageBus的信息
messageBusInfo := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get).MessageBus
// 获取deviceService
deviceService := container.DeviceServiceFrom(dic.Get)
// 构造需要订阅的topic
requestSubscribeTopic := common.BuildTopic(messageBusInfo.GetBaseTopicPrefix(), common.CommandRequestSubscribeTopic, deviceService.Name, "#")
lc.Infof("Subscribing to command requests on topic: %s", requestSubscribeTopic)
// 构造响应topic的前缀
responsePublishTopicPrefix := common.BuildTopic(messageBusInfo.GetBaseTopicPrefix(), common.ResponseTopic, deviceService.Name)
lc.Infof("Responses to command requests will be published on topic: %s/<requestId>", responsePublishTopicPrefix)
messages := make(chan types.MessageEnvelope)
messageErrors := make(chan error)
topics := []types.TopicChannel{
Topic: requestSubscribeTopic,
Messages: messages,
// 获取设置好的messageBus
messageBus := bootstrapContainer.MessagingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 对请求的topic发起订阅
err := messageBus.Subscribe(topics, messageErrors)
if err != nil {
return errors.NewCommonEdgeXWrapper(err)
go func() {
// 开启协程,来接收订阅topic发送的内容
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
lc.Infof("Exiting waiting for MessageBus '%s' topic messages", requestSubscribeTopic)
case err = <-messageErrors:
case msgEnvelope := <-messages:
// 收到消息,放入msgEnvelope
lc.Debugf("Command request received on message queue. Topic: %s, Correlation-id: %s", msgEnvelope.ReceivedTopic, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID)
// expected command request topic scheme: #/<service-name>/<device-name>/<command-name>/<method>
// 期待命令请求topic的模式为:#/<service-name>/<device-name>/<command-name>/<method>
// 根据 / 拆分收到的topic
topicLevels := strings.Split(msgEnvelope.ReceivedTopic, "/")
length := len(topicLevels)
if length < 4 {
lc.Error("Failed to parse and construct command response topic scheme, expected request topic scheme: '#/<service-name>/<device-name>/<command-name>/<method>'")
// expected command response topic scheme: #/<service-name>/<device-name>/<command-name>/<method>
deviceName := topicLevels[length-3]
commandName, err := url.QueryUnescape(topicLevels[length-2])
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to unescape command name '%s'", commandName)
method := topicLevels[length-1]
// 这里构造出响应topic
responsePublishTopic := common.BuildTopic(responsePublishTopicPrefix, msgEnvelope.RequestID)
switch strings.ToUpper(method) {
// 如果是GET命令,就发起getCommand
case "GET":
getCommand(ctx, msgEnvelope, responsePublishTopic, deviceName, commandName, dic)
// 如果是SET命令,就发起setCommand
case "SET":
setCommand(ctx, msgEnvelope, responsePublishTopic, deviceName, commandName, dic)
lc.Errorf("unknown command method '%s', only 'get' or 'set' is allowed", method)
lc.Debugf("Command response published on message queue. Topic: %s, Correlation-id: %s", responsePublishTopic, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID)
return nil
getCommand #
func getCommand(ctx context.Context, msgEnvelope types.MessageEnvelope, responseTopic string, deviceName string, commandName string, dic *di.Container) {
var responseEnvelope types.MessageEnvelope
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 获取messageBus
messageBus := bootstrapContainer.MessagingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 获取请求
rawQuery, reserved := filterQueryParams(msgEnvelope.QueryParams)
// TODO: fix properly in EdgeX 3.0
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, common.CorrelationHeader, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID) // nolint: staticcheck
event, edgexErr := application.GetCommand(ctx, deviceName, commandName, rawQuery, reserved[common.RegexCommand], dic)
// 使用application.GetCommand发起请求,后面会分析application这个包
if edgexErr != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to process get device command %s for device %s: %s", commandName, deviceName, edgexErr.Error())
// 如果有错误,构造一个带错误的responseEnvelope
responseEnvelope = types.NewMessageEnvelopeWithError(msgEnvelope.RequestID, edgexErr.Error())
// 对指定的topic,publish这个Envelope
err := messageBus.Publish(responseEnvelope, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish command error response: %s", err.Error())
var err error
var encoding string
var eventResponseBytes []byte
if reserved[common.ReturnEvent] {
// 如果返回的结果是Event
// 构造一个eventResponse
eventResponse := responses.NewEventResponse(msgEnvelope.RequestID, "", http.StatusOK, *event)
eventResponseBytes, encoding, err = eventResponse.Encode()
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to encode event response: %s", err.Error())
responseEnvelope = types.NewMessageEnvelopeWithError(msgEnvelope.RequestID, err.Error())
// 向responsetopic 发起这个envelope
err = messageBus.Publish(responseEnvelope, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish command error response: %s", err.Error())
} else {
// 否则就不是Event结果,encoding结果就是TypeJSON
eventResponseBytes = nil
encoding = common.ContentTypeJSON
// 构造一个响应Envelope
responseEnvelope, err = types.NewMessageEnvelopeForResponse(eventResponseBytes, msgEnvelope.RequestID, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID, encoding)
if err != nil {
// 如果有错,也会构造一个响应Envelope,不过会带上错误
lc.Errorf("Failed to create response message envelope: %s", err.Error())
responseEnvelope = types.NewMessageEnvelopeWithError(msgEnvelope.RequestID, err.Error())
// 发送这个请求
err = messageBus.Publish(responseEnvelope, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish command error response: %s", err.Error())
// 发起这个envelope的发布
err = messageBus.Publish(responseEnvelope, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish command response: %s", err.Error())
// 如果是PushEvent的话,
if reserved[common.PushEvent] {
// 开一个协程发送这个Event
go sdkCommon.SendEvent(event, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID, dic)
setCommand #
func setCommand(ctx context.Context, msgEnvelope types.MessageEnvelope, responseTopic string, deviceName string, commandName string, dic *di.Container) {
var responseEnvelope types.MessageEnvelope
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 这里来获取messageBus
messageBus := bootstrapContainer.MessagingClientFrom(dic.Get)
rawQuery, _ := filterQueryParams(msgEnvelope.QueryParams)
// requestPayload 用来存放之前请求的结果
requestPayload := make(map[string]any)
err := json.Unmarshal(msgEnvelope.Payload, &requestPayload)
if err != nil {
// 如果出错了,要构造出错的响应Envelope
lc.Errorf("Failed to decode set command request payload: %s", err.Error())
responseEnvelope = types.NewMessageEnvelopeWithError(msgEnvelope.RequestID, err.Error())
err = messageBus.Publish(responseEnvelope, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish command response: %s", err.Error())
// TODO: fix properly in EdgeX 3.0
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, common.CorrelationHeader, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID) // nolint: staticcheck
// 使用application的SetCommand
event, edgexErr := application.SetCommand(ctx, deviceName, commandName, rawQuery, requestPayload, dic)
if edgexErr != nil {
// 如果出错了,就构造出错的Envelope
lc.Errorf("Failed to process set device command %s for device %s: %s", commandName, deviceName, edgexErr.Error())
responseEnvelope = types.NewMessageEnvelopeWithError(msgEnvelope.RequestID, edgexErr.Error())
err = messageBus.Publish(responseEnvelope, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish command response: %s", err.Error())
// 构造成功的Envelope
responseEnvelope, err = types.NewMessageEnvelopeForResponse(nil, msgEnvelope.RequestID, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID, common.ContentTypeJSON)
if err != nil {
// 如果出错了,就构造出错的Envelope
lc.Errorf("Failed to create response message envelope: %s", err.Error())
responseEnvelope = types.NewMessageEnvelopeWithError(msgEnvelope.RequestID, err.Error())
err = messageBus.Publish(responseEnvelope, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish command response: %s", err.Error())
// 发起这个topic的发布
err = messageBus.Publish(responseEnvelope, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish command response: %s", err.Error())
if event != nil {
// 如果event不为空,就发送这个event
go sdkCommon.SendEvent(event, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID, dic)
MetadataSystemEventsCallback #
func MetadataSystemEventsCallback(ctx context.Context, dic *di.Container) errors.EdgeX {
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 从容器中获取messagebusInfo和deviceservice
messageBusInfo := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get).MessageBus
deviceService := container.DeviceServiceFrom(dic.Get)
// 首先构建出需要订阅的topic
metadataSystemEventTopic := common.BuildTopic(messageBusInfo.GetBaseTopicPrefix(),
common.MetadataSystemEventSubscribeTopic, deviceService.Name, "#")
lc.Infof("Subscribing to System Events on topic: %s", metadataSystemEventTopic)
// 这些结构体是为了订阅内容
messages := make(chan types.MessageEnvelope)
messageErrors := make(chan error)
topics := []types.TopicChannel{
Topic: metadataSystemEventTopic,
Messages: messages,
messageBus := bootstrapContainer.MessagingClientFrom(dic.Get)
err := messageBus.Subscribe(topics, messageErrors)
if err != nil {
return errors.NewCommonEdgeXWrapper(err)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
lc.Infof("Exiting waiting for MessageBus '%s' topic messages", metadataSystemEventTopic)
case err = <-messageErrors:
case msgEnvelope := <-messages:
// 如果来了消息以后
lc.Debugf("System event received on message queue. Topic: %s, Correlation-id: %s", msgEnvelope.ReceivedTopic, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID)
var systemEvent dtos.SystemEvent
// 将消息转换为SystemEvent
err := json.Unmarshal(msgEnvelope.Payload, &systemEvent)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("failed to JSON decoding system event: %s", err.Error())
serviceName := container.DeviceServiceFrom(dic.Get).Name
if systemEvent.Owner != serviceName {
// 判断event的owner是不是这个service
lc.Errorf("unmatched system event owner %s with service name %s", systemEvent.Owner, serviceName)
switch systemEvent.Type {
// 如果是DeviceSystemEvent的话
case common.DeviceSystemEventType:
err = deviceSystemEventAction(systemEvent, dic)
if err != nil {
lc.Error(err.Error(), common.CorrelationHeader, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID)
// 如果是DeviceProfileSystemEvent的话
case common.DeviceProfileSystemEventType:
err = deviceProfileSystemEventAction(systemEvent, dic)
if err != nil {
lc.Error(err.Error(), common.CorrelationHeader, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID)
// 如果是ProvisionWatcherSystemEvent的话
case common.ProvisionWatcherSystemEventType:
err = provisionWatcherSystemEventAction(systemEvent, dic)
if err != nil {
lc.Error(err.Error(), common.CorrelationHeader, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID)
// 如果是DeviceServiceSystemEvent的话
case common.DeviceServiceSystemEventType:
err = deviceServiceSystemEventAction(systemEvent, dic)
if err != nil {
lc.Error(err.Error(), common.CorrelationHeader, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID)
lc.Errorf("unknown system event type %s", systemEvent.Type)
return nil
deviceSystemEventAction #
func deviceSystemEventAction(systemEvent dtos.SystemEvent, dic *di.Container) error {
var device dtos.Device
err := systemEvent.DecodeDetails(&device)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode %s system event details: %s", systemEvent.Type, err.Error())
switch systemEvent.Action {
// 增加的action
case common.SystemEventActionAdd:
err = application.AddDevice(requests.NewAddDeviceRequest(device), dic)
// 更新的action
case common.SystemEventActionUpdate:
deviceModel := dtos.ToDeviceModel(device)
updateDeviceDTO := dtos.FromDeviceModelToUpdateDTO(deviceModel)
err = application.UpdateDevice(requests.NewUpdateDeviceRequest(updateDeviceDTO), dic)
// 删除的action
case common.SystemEventActionDelete:
err = application.DeleteDevice(device.Name, dic)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown %s system event action %s", systemEvent.Type, systemEvent.Action)
return err
deviceProfileSystemEventAction #
func deviceProfileSystemEventAction(systemEvent dtos.SystemEvent, dic *di.Container) error {
var deviceProfile dtos.DeviceProfile
err := systemEvent.DecodeDetails(&deviceProfile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode %s system event details: %s", systemEvent.Type, err.Error())
switch systemEvent.Action {
// 更新的action
case common.SystemEventActionUpdate:
err = application.UpdateProfile(requests.NewDeviceProfileRequest(deviceProfile), dic)
// there is no action needed for Device Profile Add and Delete in Device Service
// 不需要有增加和删除的功能
case common.SystemEventActionAdd, common.SystemEventActionDelete:
return fmt.Errorf("unknown %s system event action %s", systemEvent.Type, systemEvent.Action)
return err
provisionWatcherSystemEventAction #
func provisionWatcherSystemEventAction(systemEvent dtos.SystemEvent, dic *di.Container) error {
var pw dtos.ProvisionWatcher
err := systemEvent.DecodeDetails(&pw)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode %s system event details: %s", systemEvent.Type, err.Error())
switch systemEvent.Action {
case common.SystemEventActionAdd:
err = application.AddProvisionWatcher(requests.NewAddProvisionWatcherRequest(pw), dic)
case common.SystemEventActionUpdate:
pwModel := dtos.ToProvisionWatcherModel(pw)
pwDTO := dtos.FromProvisionWatcherModelToUpdateDTO(pwModel)
err = application.UpdateProvisionWatcher(requests.NewUpdateProvisionWatcherRequest(pwDTO), dic)
case common.SystemEventActionDelete:
err = application.DeleteProvisionWatcher(pw.Name, dic)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown %s system event action %s", systemEvent.Type, systemEvent.Action)
return err
deviceServiceSystemEventAction #
func deviceServiceSystemEventAction(systemEvent dtos.SystemEvent, dic *di.Container) error {
var deviceService dtos.DeviceService
err := systemEvent.DecodeDetails(&deviceService)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode %s system event details: %s", systemEvent.Type, err.Error())
switch systemEvent.Action {
case common.SystemEventActionUpdate:
deviceServiceModel := dtos.ToDeviceServiceModel(deviceService)
updateDeviceServiceDTO := dtos.FromDeviceServiceModelToUpdateDTO(deviceServiceModel)
err = application.UpdateDeviceService(requests.NewUpdateDeviceServiceRequest(updateDeviceServiceDTO), dic)
// there is no action needed for Device Service Add and Delete in Device Service
case common.SystemEventActionAdd, common.SystemEventActionDelete:
return fmt.Errorf("unknown %s system event action %s", systemEvent.Type, systemEvent.Action)
return err
SubscribeDeviceValidation #
func SubscribeDeviceValidation(ctx context.Context, dic *di.Container) errors.EdgeX {
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
messageBusInfo := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get).MessageBus
serviceName := container.DeviceServiceFrom(dic.Get).Name
// 构造发起请求的topic
requestTopic := common.BuildTopic(messageBusInfo.GetBaseTopicPrefix(), serviceName, common.ValidateDeviceSubscribeTopic)
lc.Infof("Subscribing to device validation requests on topic: %s", requestTopic)
// 这个是响应topic的前缀
responseTopicPrefix := common.BuildTopic(messageBusInfo.GetBaseTopicPrefix(), common.ResponseTopic, serviceName)
lc.Infof("Responses to device validation requests will be published on topic: %s/<requestId>", responseTopicPrefix)
messages := make(chan types.MessageEnvelope)
messageErrors := make(chan error)
topics := []types.TopicChannel{
Topic: requestTopic,
Messages: messages,
messageBus := bootstrapContainer.MessagingClientFrom(dic.Get)
err := messageBus.Subscribe(topics, messageErrors)
if err != nil {
return errors.NewCommonEdgeXWrapper(err)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
lc.Infof("Exiting waiting for MessageBus '%s' topic messages", requestTopic)
case err = <-messageErrors:
case msgEnvelope := <-messages:
lc.Debugf("Device validation request received on message queue. Topic: %s, Correlation-id: %s", msgEnvelope.ReceivedTopic, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID)
responseTopic := common.BuildTopic(responseTopicPrefix, msgEnvelope.RequestID)
// 获取driver
driver := container.ProtocolDriverFrom(dic.Get)
var deviceRequest requests.AddDeviceRequest
// 将内容填入driverRequest
err = json.Unmarshal(msgEnvelope.Payload, &deviceRequest)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to JSON decoding AddDeviceRequest: %s", err.Error())
res := types.NewMessageEnvelopeWithError(msgEnvelope.RequestID, err.Error())
err = messageBus.Publish(res, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish device validation error response: %s", err.Error())
// 用driver来验证device
err = driver.ValidateDevice(dtos.ToDeviceModel(deviceRequest.Device))
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Device validation failed: %s", err.Error())
res := types.NewMessageEnvelopeWithError(msgEnvelope.RequestID, err.Error())
err = messageBus.Publish(res, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish device validation error response: %s", err.Error())
res, err := types.NewMessageEnvelopeForResponse(nil, msgEnvelope.RequestID, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID, common.ContentTypeJSON)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to create device validation response envelope: %s", err.Error())
err = messageBus.Publish(res, responseTopic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Failed to publish device validation response: %s", err.Error())
lc.Debugf("Device validation response published on message queue. Topic: %s, Correlation-id: %s", responseTopic, msgEnvelope.CorrelationID)
return nil
NewServiceMetrics #
handlers.NewServiceMetrics(ds.ServiceName).BootstrapHandler:注册metrics reporter and manager,按照配置的interval,定期上报数据
// BootstrapHandler fulfills the BootstrapHandler contract and performs initialization of service metrics.
// BootstrapHandler 履行 BootstrapHandler 协定并执行服务指标的初始化。
func (s *ServiceMetrics) BootstrapHandler(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, _ startup.Timer, dic *di.Container) bool {
lc := container.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 获取Service的设置
serviceConfig := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get)
// 获取telemetry的配置,这个是用来干嘛的呢?
telemetryConfig := serviceConfig.GetTelemetryInfo()
// 如果Interval为空,就赋值为0s
if telemetryConfig.Interval == "" {
telemetryConfig.Interval = "0s"
// 获取时间间隔
interval, err := time.ParseDuration(telemetryConfig.Interval)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Telemetry interval is invalid time duration: %s", err.Error())
return false
// 如果时间间隔为0,就赋值为最大值
if interval == 0 {
lc.Infof("0 specified for metrics reporting interval. Setting to max duration to effectively disable reporting.")
interval = math.MaxInt64
// 构造基本topic
baseTopic := serviceConfig.GetBootstrap().MessageBus.GetBaseTopicPrefix()
// 构造一个新的reporter,
reporter := metrics.NewMessageBusReporter(lc, baseTopic, s.serviceName, dic, telemetryConfig)
// 根据interval 和 reporter 构造一个manager
manager := metrics.NewManager(lc, interval, reporter)
manager.Run(ctx, wg)
// 更新manager?
container.MetricsManagerInterfaceName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return manager
return true
Manager #
// Run periodically (based on configured interval) reports the collected metrics using the configured MetricsReporter.
// 定期运行(基于配置的间隔)使用配置的指标报告程序报告收集的指标。
func (m *manager) Run(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
m.ticker = time.NewTicker(m.interval)
defer wg.Done()
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():"Exited Metrics Manager Run...")
case <-m.ticker.C:
// tags是对metricTags的复制
tags := copyTagMaps(m.metricTags)
// 时间到了,就定期上报收集到的指标
if err := m.reporter.Report(m.registry, tags); err != nil {
}"Reported metrics...")
}()"Metrics Manager started with a report interval of %s", m.interval.String())
Report #
// Report collects all the current metrics and reports them to the EdgeX MessageBus
// The approach here was adapted from
// 报告收集所有当前指标并将其报告给 EdgeX 消息总线
// 这里的方法改编自
func (r *messageBusReporter) Report(registry gometrics.Registry, metricTags map[string]map[string]string) error {
var errs error
publishedCount := 0
// App Services create the messaging client after bootstrapping, so must get it from DIC when the first time
// 获取messagebus的client
if r.messageClient == nil {
r.messageClient = container.MessagingClientFrom(r.dic.Get)
// If messaging client nil, then service hasn't set it up and can not report metrics this pass.
// This may happen during bootstrapping if interval time is lower than time to bootstrap,
// but will be resolved one messaging client has been added to the DIC.
// 如果消息传递客户端为 nil,则服务尚未设置它,并且无法报告此传递的指标。
// 如果间隔时间低于引导时间,则在引导过程中可能会发生这种情况,
// 但将解决一个消息传递客户端已添加到 DIC。
if r.messageClient == nil {
return errors.New("messaging client not available. Unable to report metrics")
// Build the service tags each time we report since that can be changed in the Writable config
// 每次报告时都构建服务标记,因为可以在可写配置中进行更改
serviceTags := buildMetricTags(r.config.Tags)
serviceTags = append(serviceTags, dtos.MetricTag{
Name: serviceNameTagKey,
Value: r.serviceName,
registry.Each(func(itemName string, item interface{}) {
var nextMetric dtos.Metric
var err error
// If itemName matches a configured Metric name, use the configured Metric name in case it is a partial match.
// The metric item will have the extra name portion as a tag.
// This is important for Metrics for App Service Pipelines, when the Metric name reported need to be the same
// for all pipelines, but each will have to have unique name (with pipeline ID added) registered.
// The Pipeline id will also be added as a tag.
// 如果 itemName 与配置的指标名称匹配,使用配置的指标名称(如果它是部分匹配)。
// 指标项将具有额外的名称部分作为标记。
// 这对于应用服务管道的指标非常重要,因为报告的指标名称需要相同
// 但每个管道都必须注册唯一的名称(添加了管道 ID)。
// 管道 ID 也将添加为标记。
name, isEnabled := r.config.GetEnabledMetricName(itemName)
if !isEnabled {
// This metric is not enable so do not report it.
tags := append(serviceTags, buildMetricTags(metricTags[itemName])...)
switch metric := item.(type) {
case gometrics.Counter:
snapshot := metric.Snapshot()
fields := []dtos.MetricField{{Name: counterCountName, Value: snapshot.Count()}}
nextMetric, err = dtos.NewMetric(name, fields, tags)
case gometrics.Gauge:
snapshot := metric.Snapshot()
fields := []dtos.MetricField{{Name: gaugeValueName, Value: snapshot.Value()}}
nextMetric, err = dtos.NewMetric(name, fields, tags)
case gometrics.GaugeFloat64:
snapshot := metric.Snapshot()
fields := []dtos.MetricField{{Name: gaugeFloat64ValueName, Value: snapshot.Value()}}
nextMetric, err = dtos.NewMetric(name, fields, tags)
case gometrics.Timer:
snapshot := metric.Snapshot()
fields := []dtos.MetricField{
{Name: timerCountName, Value: snapshot.Count()},
{Name: timerMinName, Value: snapshot.Min()},
{Name: timerMaxName, Value: snapshot.Max()},
{Name: timerMeanName, Value: snapshot.Mean()},
{Name: timerStddevName, Value: snapshot.StdDev()},
{Name: timerVarianceName, Value: snapshot.Variance()},
nextMetric, err = dtos.NewMetric(name, fields, tags)
case gometrics.Histogram:
snapshot := metric.Snapshot()
fields := []dtos.MetricField{
{Name: histogramCountName, Value: snapshot.Count()},
{Name: histogramMinName, Value: snapshot.Min()},
{Name: histogramMaxName, Value: snapshot.Max()},
{Name: histogramMeanName, Value: snapshot.Mean()},
{Name: histogramStddevName, Value: snapshot.StdDev()},
{Name: histogramVarianceName, Value: snapshot.Variance()},
nextMetric, err = dtos.NewMetric(name, fields, tags)
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("metric type %T not supported", metric))
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to create metric for '%s': %s", name, err.Error())
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
payload, err := json.Marshal(nextMetric)
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal metric '%s' to JSON: %s", nextMetric.Name, err.Error()))
message := types.MessageEnvelope{
CorrelationID: uuid.NewString(),
Payload: payload,
ContentType: common.ContentTypeJSON,
topic := common.BuildTopic(r.baseMetricsTopic, name)
// 进行信息的上报
if err := r.messageClient.Publish(message, topic); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to publish metric '%s' to topic '%s': %s", name, topic, err.Error()))
} else {
})"Publish %d metrics to the '%s' base topic", publishedCount, r.baseMetricsTopic)
return errs
clientBootstrapHandler #
// It creates instances of each of the EdgeX clients that are in the service's configuration and place them in the DIC.
// If the registry is enabled it will be used to get the URL for client otherwise it will use configuration for the url.
// This handler will fail if an unknown client is specified.
// 它创建服务配置中的每个 EdgeX 客户端的实例,并将它们放置在 DIC 中。
// 如果启用了注册表,它将用于获取客户端的 URL,否则它将使用 URL 的配置。
// 如果指定了未知客户端,则此处理程序将失败。
func (cb *ClientsBootstrap) BootstrapHandler(
_ context.Context,
_ *sync.WaitGroup,
startupTimer startup.Timer,
dic *di.Container) bool {
lc := container.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
// 获取配置
config := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get)
cb.registry = container.RegistryFrom(dic.Get)
jwtSecretProvider := secret.NewJWTSecretProvider(container.SecretProviderFrom(dic.Get))
// 遍历所有的client
for serviceKey, serviceInfo := range config.GetBootstrap().Clients {
var url string
var err error
if !serviceInfo.UseMessageBus {
// 如果没有使用messageBus,那么就获取这个client对应的rest url
url, err = cb.getClientUrl(serviceKey, serviceInfo.Url(), startupTimer, lc)
if err != nil {
return false
switch serviceKey {
case common.CoreDataServiceKey:
container.EventClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return clients.NewEventClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
case common.CoreMetaDataServiceKey:
container.DeviceClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return clients.NewDeviceClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
container.DeviceServiceClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return clients.NewDeviceServiceClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
container.DeviceProfileClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return clients.NewDeviceProfileClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
container.ProvisionWatcherClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return clients.NewProvisionWatcherClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
case common.CoreCommandServiceKey:
// command这边可能会使用messageBus
var client interfaces.CommandClient
if serviceInfo.UseMessageBus {
// TODO: Move following outside loop when multiple messaging based clients exist
messageClient := container.MessagingClientFrom(dic.Get)
if messageClient == nil {
lc.Errorf("Unable to create Command client using MessageBus: %s", "MessageBus Client was not created")
return false
// TODO: Move following outside loop when multiple messaging based clients exist
timeout, err := time.ParseDuration(config.GetBootstrap().Service.RequestTimeout)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("Unable to parse Service.RequestTimeout as a time duration: %v", err)
return false
baseTopic := config.GetBootstrap().MessageBus.GetBaseTopicPrefix()
client = clientsMessaging.NewCommandClient(messageClient, baseTopic, timeout)
lc.Infof("Using messaging for '%s' clients", serviceKey)
} else {
client = clients.NewCommandClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
container.CommandClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return client
case common.SupportNotificationsServiceKey:
container.NotificationClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return clients.NewNotificationClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
container.SubscriptionClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return clients.NewSubscriptionClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
case common.SupportSchedulerServiceKey:
container.IntervalClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return clients.NewIntervalClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
container.IntervalActionClientName: func(get di.Get) interface{} {
return clients.NewIntervalActionClient(url, jwtSecretProvider)
return true
autoevent #
executor #
type Executor struct {
// 设备名称
deviceName string
// 资源名称
sourceName string
// 是否改变
onChange bool
lastReadings map[string]interface{}
// 持续时间
duration time.Duration
// 是否停止
stop bool
// 保证线程安全
mutex *sync.Mutex
// Stop marks this Executor stopped
// Stop标志这个Executor停止
func (e *Executor) Stop() {
e.stop = true
// NewExecutor creates an Executor for an AutoEvent
// NewExecutor 为AutoEvent创建了一个Executor
func NewExecutor(deviceName string, ae models.AutoEvent) (*Executor, errors.EdgeX) {
// check Frequency
// 检查这个频率(其实就是检查Interval)
duration, err := time.ParseDuration(ae.Interval)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.NewCommonEdgeX(errors.KindServerError, fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse AutoEvent %s duration", ae.SourceName), err)
return &Executor{
deviceName: deviceName,
sourceName: ae.SourceName,
onChange: ae.OnChange,
duration: duration,
stop: false,
mutex: &sync.Mutex{}}, nil
func (e *Executor) renewLastReadings(readings []dtos.BaseReading) {
// 更新最后一次读取的内容
e.lastReadings = make(map[string]interface{}, len(readings))
for _, r := range readings {
if r.ValueType == common.ValueTypeBinary
// 如果是这个ValueTypeBinary的Type,就加密么?
e.lastReadings[r.ResourceName] = xxhash.Checksum64(r.BinaryValue)
} else {
e.lastReadings[r.ResourceName] = r.Value
// 总之这里是用来更新的
func (e *Executor) compareReadings(readings []dtos.BaseReading) bool {
// 这个应该是看自己的内容是不是最新的内容吧
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
if len(e.lastReadings) != len(readings) {
// 如果长度不一样了
// 如果不是,就更新,且返回false
return false
var result = true
// 下面的话,就是根据情况,进行更新,如果更新了就返回false,否则返回true
for _, reading := range readings {
if lastReading, ok := e.lastReadings[reading.ResourceName]; ok {
if reading.ValueType == common.ValueTypeBinary {
checksum := xxhash.Checksum64(reading.BinaryValue)
if lastReading != checksum {
e.lastReadings[reading.ResourceName] = checksum
result = false
} else {
if lastReading != reading.Value {
e.lastReadings[reading.ResourceName] = reading.Value
result = false
} else {
return false
return result
func readResource(e *Executor, dic *di.Container) (event *dtos.Event, err errors.EdgeX) {
// 这里应该是发起请求,然后读取event内容吧
vars := make(map[string]string, 2)
vars[common.Name] = e.deviceName
vars[common.Command] = e.sourceName
res, err := application.GetCommand(context.Background(), e.deviceName, e.sourceName, "", true, dic)
if err != nil {
return event, err
return res, nil
// Run triggers this Executor executes the handler for the event source periodically
// 运行触发器此执行程序定期执行事件源的处理程序
func (e *Executor) Run(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, buffer chan bool, dic *di.Container) {
defer wg.Done()
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// 时间到了的话
case <-time.After(e.duration):
if e.stop {
// 如果停止了,就直接返回
lc.Debugf("AutoEvent - reading %s", e.sourceName)
// 来读取资源
evt, err := readResource(e, dic)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("AutoEvent - error occurs when reading resource %s: %v", e.sourceName, err)
if evt != nil {
if e.onChange {
// 如果e被修改了
if e.compareReadings(evt.Readings) {
// 判断是否相同,如果相同的话,就continue
lc.Debugf("AutoEvent - readings are the same as previous one")
// After the auto event executes a read command, it will create a goroutine to send out events.
// 在自动事件执行读取命令后,它将创建一个goroutine来发送事件。
// When the concurrent auto event amount becomes large, core-data might be hard to handle so many HTTP requests at the same time.
// 当并发自动事件量变大时,核心数据可能难以同时处理如此多的 HTTP 请求。
// The device service will get some network errors like EOF or Connection reset by peer.
// 设备服务将收到一些网络错误,例如 EOF 或对等方重置连接。
// By adding a buffer here, the user can use the Service.AsyncBufferSize configuration to control the goroutine for sending events.
// 通过在此处添加缓冲区,用户可以使用 Service.AsyncBufferSize 配置来控制用于发送事件的 goroutine。
go func() {
buffer <- true
correlationId := uuid.NewString()
// 开启一个协程,发送这个evt
// 这里可以再看一下这个SendEvent
sdkCommon.SendEvent(evt, correlationId, dic)
lc.Tracef("AutoEvent - Sent new Event/Reading for '%s' source with Correlation Id '%s'", evt.SourceName, correlationId)
} else {
lc.Debugf("AutoEvent - no event generated when reading resource %s", e.sourceName)
manager #
type manager struct {
// 执行器的map
executorMap map[string][]*Executor
// 上下文
ctx context.Context
wg *sync.WaitGroup
mutex sync.Mutex
autoeventBuffer chan bool
dic *di.Container
func (m *manager) StartAutoEvents() {
// 锁住
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
for _, d := range cache.Devices().All() {
// 遍历所有在cache中的device
if _, ok := m.executorMap[d.Name]; !ok {
// 如果对应的设备没有这个执行器的话,为他新建一组执行器
executors := m.triggerExecutors(d.Name, d.AutoEvents, m.dic)
m.executorMap[d.Name] = executors
func (m *manager) triggerExecutors(deviceName string, autoEvents []models.AutoEvent, dic *di.Container) []*Executor {
var executors []*Executor
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
for _, autoEvent := range autoEvents {
// 遍历所有的autoEvent,为每个autoEvent创建一个执行器
executor, err := NewExecutor(deviceName, autoEvent)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("failed to create executor of AutoEvent %s for Device %s: %v", autoEvent.SourceName, deviceName, err)
// skip this AutoEvent if it causes error during creation
executors = append(executors, executor)
// 开一个协程,让这个控制器跑起来
go executor.Run(m.ctx, m.wg, m.autoeventBuffer, dic)
// 最后返回这组执行器
return executors
func (m *manager) RestartForDevice(deviceName string) {
// 重启设备
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(m.dic.Get)
// 将这个设备停止
// 从cache中获取这个设备
d, ok := cache.Devices().ForName(deviceName)
if !ok {
lc.Errorf("failed to find device %s in cache to start AutoEvent", deviceName)
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
// 为这个设备新建执行器组
executors := m.triggerExecutors(deviceName, d.AutoEvents, m.dic)
// 更新这些执行器
m.executorMap[deviceName] = executors
func (m *manager) StopForDevice(deviceName string) {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
executors, ok := m.executorMap[deviceName]
if ok {
// 将每个执行器停止
for _, executor := range executors {
// 删除控制器map中对应的设备名称
delete(m.executorMap, deviceName)
NewBootstrap(router).BootstrapHandler #
func (b *Bootstrap) BootstrapHandler(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, _ startup.Timer, dic *di.Container) (success bool) {
s := b.deviceService
s.wg = wg
s.ctx = ctx = bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
s.autoEventManager = container.AutoEventManagerFrom(dic.Get)
s.controller = http.NewRestController(b.router, dic, s.serviceKey)
// 初始化RestRoutes
// 初始化Cache
edgexErr := cache.InitCache(s.serviceKey, dic)
if edgexErr != nil {"Failed to init cache: %s", edgexErr.Error())
return false
// 是否允许异步读取
if s.AsyncReadingsEnabled() {
// 如果允许异步读取
s.asyncCh = make(chan *models.AsyncValues, s.config.Device.AsyncBufferSize)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
s.processAsyncResults(ctx, dic)
// 是否允许设备发现
// 这个应该是用于动态设备发现的
if s.DeviceDiscoveryEnabled() {
s.deviceCh = make(chan []models.DiscoveredDevice, 1)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// 动态添加设备
// 初始化Initialize
err := s.driver.Initialize(s)
if err != nil {"ProtocolDriver init failed: %s", err.Error())
return false
// 将自己作为DeviceService注册到metadata中
edgexErr = s.selfRegister()
if edgexErr != nil {"Failed to register %s on Metadata: %s", s.serviceKey, edgexErr.Error())
return false
// 加载本地的profile
edgexErr = provision.LoadProfiles(s.config.Device.ProfilesDir, dic)
if edgexErr != nil {"Failed to load device profiles: %s", edgexErr.Error())
return false
// 加载本地的device
edgexErr = provision.LoadDevices(s.config.Device.DevicesDir, dic)
if edgexErr != nil {"Failed to load devices: %s", edgexErr.Error())
return false
// 加载ProvisionWatcher
edgexErr = provision.LoadProvisionWatchers(s.config.Device.ProvisionWatchersDir, dic)
if edgexErr != nil {"Failed to load provision watchers: %s", edgexErr.Error())
return false
// 开启在autoEvent中设置的执行器
// Very important that this bootstrap handler is called after the NewServiceMetrics handler so
// MetricsManager dependency has been created.
// 在 NewServiceMetrics 处理程序之后调用此引导处理程序非常重要,以便创建 MetricsManager 依赖项。
common.InitializeSentMetrics(, dic)
return true
InitRestRoutes #
func (c *RestController) InitRestRoutes() {
// 这里在初始化路由"Registering v2 routes...")
// router.UseEncodedPath() tells the router to match the encoded original path to the routes
lc := container.LoggingClientFrom(c.dic.Get)
secretProvider := container.SecretProviderFrom(c.dic.Get)
authenticationHook := handlers.AutoConfigAuthenticationFunc(secretProvider, lc)
// common
c.addReservedRoute(common.ApiPingRoute, c.Ping).Methods(http.MethodGet)
c.addReservedRoute(common.ApiVersionRoute, authenticationHook(c.Version)).Methods(http.MethodGet)
c.addReservedRoute(common.ApiConfigRoute, authenticationHook(c.Config)).Methods(http.MethodGet)
// secret
c.addReservedRoute(common.ApiSecretRoute, authenticationHook(c.Secret)).Methods(http.MethodPost)
// discovery
c.addReservedRoute(common.ApiDiscoveryRoute, authenticationHook(c.Discovery)).Methods(http.MethodPost)
// device command
c.addReservedRoute(common.ApiDeviceNameCommandNameRoute, authenticationHook(c.GetCommand)).Methods(http.MethodGet)
c.addReservedRoute(common.ApiDeviceNameCommandNameRoute, authenticationHook(c.SetCommand)).Methods(http.MethodPut)
cache.InitCache #
// InitCache Init basic state for cache
func InitCache(name string, dic *di.Container) errors.EdgeX {
dc := bootstrapContainer.DeviceClientFrom(dic.Get)
dpc := bootstrapContainer.DeviceProfileClientFrom(dic.Get)
pwc := bootstrapContainer.ProvisionWatcherClientFrom(dic.Get)
// init device cache
// 初始化device cache
deviceRes, err := dc.DevicesByServiceName(context.Background(), name, 0, -1)
if err != nil {
return err
devices := make([]models.Device, len(deviceRes.Devices))
for i := range deviceRes.Devices {
devices[i] = dtos.ToDeviceModel(deviceRes.Devices[i])
// init profile cache
// 初始化profile cache
profiles := make([]models.DeviceProfile, len(devices))
for i, d := range devices {
res, err := dpc.DeviceProfileByName(context.Background(), d.ProfileName)
if err != nil {
return err
profiles[i] = dtos.ToDeviceProfileModel(res.Profile)
// init provision watcher cache
// 初始化provision watcher cache
pwRes, err := pwc.ProvisionWatchersByServiceName(context.Background(), name, 0, -1)
if err != nil {
return err
pws := make([]models.ProvisionWatcher, len(pwRes.ProvisionWatchers))
for i := range pwRes.ProvisionWatchers {
pws[i] = dtos.ToProvisionWatcherModel(pwRes.ProvisionWatchers[i])
return nil
processAsyncResults #
// processAsyncResults processes readings that are pushed from
// a DS implementation. Each is reading is optionally transformed
// before being pushed to Core Data.
// In this function, AsyncBufferSize is used to create a buffer for
// processing AsyncValues concurrently, so that events may arrive
// out-of-order in core-data / app service when AsyncBufferSize value
// is greater than or equal to two. Alternatively, we can process
// AsyncValues one by one in the same order by changing the AsyncBufferSize
// value to one.
// processAsyncResults处理从DS实现推送的读数。每个正在读取的数据在被推送到核心数据之前都有选择地进行转换。在此函数中,AsyncBufferSize用于创建一个缓冲区,用于同时处理AsyncValues,这样,当AsyncBufferSize值大于或等于2时,事件可能会在核心数据/应用程序服务中无序到达。或者,我们可以通过将AsyncBufferSize值更改为1,以相同的顺序逐个处理AsyncValues。
func (s *deviceService) processAsyncResults(ctx context.Context, dic *di.Container) {
working := make(chan bool, s.config.Device.AsyncBufferSize)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case acv := <-s.asyncCh:
go s.sendAsyncValues(acv, working, dic)
// sendAsyncValues convert AsyncValues to event and send the event to CoreData
func (s *deviceService) sendAsyncValues(acv *sdkModels.AsyncValues, working chan bool, dic *di.Container) {
working <- true
defer func() {
if len(acv.CommandValues) == 0 {"Skip sending AsyncValues because the CommandValues is empty.")
if len(acv.CommandValues) > 1 && acv.SourceName == "" {"Skip sending AsyncValues because the SourceName is empty.")
// We can use the first reading's DeviceResourceName as the SourceName
// when the CommandValues contains only one reading and the AsyncValues's SourceName is empty.
if len(acv.CommandValues) == 1 && acv.SourceName == "" {
acv.SourceName = acv.CommandValues[0].DeviceResourceName
configuration := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get)
event, err := transformer.CommandValuesToEventDTO(acv.CommandValues, acv.DeviceName, acv.SourceName, configuration.Device.DataTransform, dic)
if err != nil {"failed to transform CommandValues to Event: %v", err)
common.SendEvent(event, "", dic)
InitializeSentMetrics #
func InitializeSentMetrics(lc logger.LoggingClient, dic *di.Container) {
// 注册两个metrics 主要是eventsSent和readingsSent
eventsSent = gometrics.NewCounter()
readingsSent = gometrics.NewCounter()
metricsManager := bootstrapContainer.MetricsManagerFrom(dic.Get)
if metricsManager != nil {
registerMetric(metricsManager, lc, eventsSentName, eventsSent)
registerMetric(metricsManager, lc, readingsSentName, readingsSent)
} else {
lc.Warn("MetricsManager not available to register Event/Reading Sent metrics")
func registerMetric(metricsManager bootstrapInterfaces.MetricsManager, lc logger.LoggingClient, name string, metric interface{}) {
err := metricsManager.Register(name, metric, nil)
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("unable to register %s metric. Metric will not be reported: %v", name, err)
} else {
lc.Debugf("%s metric has been registered and will be reported (if enabled)", name)
autodiscovery.BootstrapHandler #
func BootstrapHandler(
ctx context.Context,
wg *sync.WaitGroup,
_ startup.Timer,
dic *di.Container) bool {
// 自动设备发现相关的启动器,调用驱动实现的Discover()方法。
driver := container.ProtocolDriverFrom(dic.Get)
lc := bootstrapContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
configuration := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get)
var runDiscovery bool = true
if !configuration.Device.Discovery.Enabled {
lc.Info("AutoDiscovery stopped: disabled by configuration")
runDiscovery = false
duration, err := time.ParseDuration(configuration.Device.Discovery.Interval)
if err != nil || duration <= 0 {
lc.Info("AutoDiscovery stopped: interval error in configuration")
runDiscovery = false
if runDiscovery {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
lc.Infof("Starting auto-discovery with duration %v", duration)
DiscoveryWrapper(driver, lc)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(duration):
DiscoveryWrapper(driver, lc)
return true
handlers.NewStartMessage(serviceName, serviceVersion).BootstrapHandler #
// BootstrapHandler fulfills the BootstrapHandler contract. It creates no go routines. It logs a "standard" set of
// messages when the service first starts up successfully.
func (h StartMessage) BootstrapHandler(
_ context.Context,
_ *sync.WaitGroup,
startupTimer startup.Timer,
dic *di.Container) bool {
// 打印整个驱动的启动提示信息,表示驱动起来了。
lc := container.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
lc.Info("Service dependencies resolved...")
lc.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Starting %s %s ", h.serviceKey, h.version))
bootstrapConfig := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get).GetBootstrap()
if len(bootstrapConfig.Service.StartupMsg) > 0 {
lc.Info("Service started in: " + startupTimer.SinceAsString())
return true
httpServer.BootstrapHandler 主要负责注册TimeoutHandler、RequestLimitMiddleware、ProcessCORS handlers这些通用handler。
- 创建一个messageBus客户端
- 进行订阅,异步处理command请求(这个是由内部的application进行getcommand和setcommand处理的)
- 对metasystemevent的处理,分别处理deviceSystemEventAction、deviceProfileSystemEventAction、provisionWatcherSystemEventAction、deviceServiceSystemEventAction。这里对core-metadata进行了订阅。(虽然这里有实现了,但是好像还没有开始使用,因为在edgex官网上这条线是黄色的,是future时候使用的)
- 使用messagebus订阅设备的检验
handlers.NewServiceMetrics(ds.ServiceName).BootstrapHandler:注册metrics reporter and manager,按照配置的interval,reporter定期上报数据。但是这里没有注册metrics(在下面的handler中进行注册),只是将manager run起来了,reporter的上报是发给messageBus的。
- CoreData相关 -> EventClient (只有Rest)
- CoreMetaData相关 -> DeviceClient (只有Rest)、 DeviceServiceClient(只有Rest)、DeviceProfileClient(只有Rest)、ProvisionWatcherClient(只有Rest)
- CoreCommand相关 -> CommandClient (Rest 和 messageBus)
- SupportNotifications相关 -> NotificationClient (只有Rest)、SubscriptionClient(只有Rest)
- SupportScheduler相关 -> IntervalClient(只有Rest)、IntervalActionClient(只有Rest)
autoevent.BootstrapHandler 定义了autoEvent的manager,event的send是发给messageBus的(这里没有启动,留给后面的handler使用的)
NewBootstrap(router).BootstrapHandler 进行最后的初始化、加载、运行前面准备好的东西(autoevent的manager和注册需要上报的metric)
- 初始化路由:common、secret、discovery、validate、device command、callback相关的url
- 初始化cache:device、profile、provision watcher
- processAsyncResults异步读取,处理数据传到core-data之前,有的要做转换的地方。AsyncBufferSize > 1 乱序,AsyncBufferSize = 1,顺序。
- processAsyncFilterAndAdd处理添加动态设备
- 初始化、自己作为deviceservice、加载profile、加载device、加载provisionWatcher
- 启动之前设置好的autoevent的manager
- 为之前设置好的metricmanager注册两个metric(Event / Reading sent)
handlers.NewStartMessage(serviceName, serviceVersion).BootstrapHandler:打印整个驱动的启动提示信息,表示驱动起来了。